9430458375  |  9931668537
      9939256636  |  9304409389
      9040500081  |  9386743393
9430458375  |  9931668537  |  9939256636  |  9304409389  |  9040500081  |  9386743393

Sports And Games
The school provides sports and games co-curricular activity in order to bring about a co-ordination between body & mind. We provide opportunity for various games which includes indoor & outdoor games.
The school provides sports and games co-curricular activity in order to bring about a co-ordination between body & mind. We provide opportunity for various games which includes indoor & outdoor games.

activities co curricular sports and games lyceum international academy cbse muzaffarpur bihar india

Sports And Games

The school gives prime importancee to physical fitness & sports activities in order to bring about a co-ordination between body & mind. The school provides opportunity for various games which includes both indoor & outdoor games. The school has also lately introduced training in Martial Arts like Tac-Knondo & Karate, scouting has also been added to the list of school activities. It develops a positive attitude towards humanity & makes the child more disciplined.

The list of indoor & outdoor games are as follows:

  • Cricket
  • Badminton
  • Football
  • Table Tennis
  • Chess
  • Yoga exercises

Other Co-Curricular Activities